Beautiful pics of Logan Browning and Elisabeth Moss feet & legs

Elisabeth Singleton Moss has been an actor British and American actor for over 30 years. She received many accolades for her performance in a variety of shows on television. They include two Primetime Emmy Awards (for her role as Zoey Bartlet the daughter of the president) and two Golden Globe Awards. Vulture dubbed her Queen Peak television. Moss became famous as the character Zoey Barrlet, the child of President Obama, in The West Wing (1999-2006). Fereydun Bob Armisen was born in United States. He's an actor and comedian. Writer. Producer. And a performer. Logan Laurice Browning is an American actress and comedian with Carrie Brownstein Browning, together form a comedy team. She is best known for her role as Samantha White from the Netflix comedy drama Dear White People, she is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Samantha White in the Netflix series Dear White People. Browning's first acting role was with the Summerland series. She played Carrie alongside Jesse McCartney. In the Nickelodeon program Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, she appeared as Vanessa. Armisen is the co-creator and co-star of The IFC sketch comedy show Portlandia. The IFC mockumentary series Documentary Now! was also developed by Armisen, and he plays the role of co-creator.

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